Posted by Social Matters , Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:51 AM
A couple of years ago, I had the worst Christmas ever, no one noticed because I am really good at hiding my feelings at times but it was terrible. My heart was breaking inside, I had been rejected by my perfect guy, he was everything that I have ever wanted in a man, he was tall, he was kind, he was cute, he was a university graduate and he was working, and most importantly he was a Christian. On our first meeting he noticed me, you know when a guy looks at you with those eyes that says he is interested and he asked me out and I will not lie when he sent me an sms later that evening and when he called I was burning up, my heart was on fire, I was in love. Well, things did not work out the way I anticipated and when it really hit me that he was not interested in me it was a couple of days before Christmas and I was really hurt, my heart was shattered. We have all been there were someone you are interested in rejects you.
This is what I have learnt about rejection: -
• A rejection is always better than a false promise; with that guy, who ruined my Christmas, just imagine if he had lied to me and put on a show to prove that I was the one, while in reality he was not interested in me at all. Hey, I should be glad that it did not take me years of being hopelessly in love to realise that this man had done to me single nicest do someone can ever do to you, walk away at the very beginning when they realise they were not interested. He did not string me along, he made no false promises and he needs to be commended. You see it’s allowed to be sad and depressed for a bit, but you can never hold grudges against someone who is totally honest with you and you must move on, otherwise you are the one with the problem.
• Rejection is a good thing, when a guy who I thought was serious and had spent months calling me all sorts of lovey dovey names went silent after I pointed out that despite all the I love yous and I want us to get married, he did not know what my second name was and he had never asked and I did not know anything about him and I kinda asked or stated the obvious, maybe it was the wrong way of asking but he went silent and I would send like 500 words for every 3 words that he sent. The worst part was when I said I just wanted to know him deeper and he said ‘thanks’ I felt devastated but I realised I had been so afraid of being rejected that I was scared of asking him all these things I needed to know because I thought he would leave, and I was right but then I realised that was a good thing. The rejection was worth it. Imagine being in a serious relationship with someone who knows nothing about you and you do not know anything about them either. Attraction is part of it yes, but if one of the parties is not interested in something serious, you have no option but to walk away or let them walk away. I really did like this guy and I am sure if he was in the country and proposed at that point, I would have said yes because I was so attracted to him. Then I started thinking about it and I thought, if I am to base my relationship on feelings then I when I settled into marriage life, and I really got to know this guy, chances are my feelings would decrease and resentment towards him would grow. His silence was golden.
I needed to know how serious this guy was
• It has nothing to do with me most of the times, when we are rejected we wonder what is wrong with us and it eats on our self esteem. It should not; at times the heart wants what the hearts want. I have had my fair share of rejections and I have rejected some men as well and most of the times I simply was not interested, then how can I be angry when someone is simply not interested in me.
• They will be happy without you stop waiting for them to realise what they are missing; most of the times we wait for the people of rejected us to realise what a mistake they made in leaving us and to see them regretting not loving you. Well, this never happens. They will probably get married and they will most likely be happy without you, that is why the decision to move on is for you and only you. At times I look back at the people I rejected and I am happiest without them, I am sure they feel the same way too.
In all honesty rejection is the single nicest thing someone an ever do to you, that way you do not have to spend your entire lifetime with a partner who will never love you and return your feelings. When you force that person by sticking with them no matter how many times they show you they are not interested, you are setting yourself for a miserable life, twenty years wasted on a man or woman who never loved you, while getting over them could have actually taken a couple of months.
The truth about nice guys
I was once holding a conversation with a guy, who was well educated, but average looking in a hotel and out of nowhere the guy says ‘nice guys never get the girls.’ ‘Girls are not interested in the nice guys.’ You see there’s a misconception about nice guys and what that phrase means. It should not be mistaken for any of the following: -
• It’s not a self pity phrase, that woishee kind of guy, date me, I am nice, date me. They pity everything about their lives and how their lives have turned out.
• Nice guys and average are not the same thing,
• Nice guys and poor guys are not correlated; just because you are poor does not mean you are nice. There are enough poor guys that have battered their wives and made the lives of women a living hell, so no! Poor and nice do not mean the same thing.
• Nice guys do not live in the ghettos necessarily.
• Nice guys are not ugly
• Nice guys are not pathetic
• Nice guys are not short, I have met enough short guys who assume just because they are short they are automatically nice.
I think this guy had a type of girls that he was interested in but they were not interested in him because he was not their type and their rejection he pegged it down on women not wanting him to his nice guy image. I dated such a guy once and I speak from experience, there is nothing nice about self pity and it went from self pity to putting me down. It started as ‘I am so nice I have been rejected a lot.’ ‘I am sorry you have to date a short person.’ ‘It’s obvious you have settled’ ‘Look at me, I have asthma, I look weird.’ I tried saying all these did not matter to me, but soon this self hatred was now directed to me ‘Do not put on weight, you would not look as lovely.’ You should have seen the look on his face every time he said. He wanted me to pity myself. He once said ‘I know I am not the pretty at all.’ ‘You are okay’ I said. ‘You know you are not the most beautiful woman in the world.’ That was his response. I was like ‘dude I am very okay with my looks, no low self esteem issues other than the ordinary, I wish my hair was no longer, I need to loose 2kgs, only that.’
In short nice guys does not mean, poor, looks down on self, thinks that women should date him because they are nice or he thinks that the nice guy phrase was invented for him. Nice guys come in all shapes, colours and sizes. At times they are rich, at times they are poor, at times they dark skinned, other times they are light skinned, other times they are tall, then at other times they are short. Just because you feel less endowed by nature does not mean that every woman should be running into your arms. I do not agree with Sauti Sol, chances are there are women laughing on boda bodas as there are crying, there are also women laughing in Benz’s as there are women crying.
Even in the traditional African community, men needed to work hard to get the girls of their dreams and it was tougher then than it is now. I have realised that every time a guy says he is nice and starts to throw himself a pity party, he turns out to be a social misfit and their behavior borders psychotic.
The solution would be to stop wanting women who are out their league and pay attention to the nice girls out there who feel ignored.
The other day I got this email: -
It seems like a harmless email from a guy I may have broken up with or had broken up with me but that was not the case. Now, this is a very personal story. You see, let me start from the last sms I got from the guy before this, it might sum up everything.
Now, let’s start. This experience taught me that I am a typical human being, vulnerable and at times easily manipulated. Now the question from the above communication would be why I would want to friends with such a man. You see I learnt that psycho dudes have the weirdest mood swings, one minute you are evil, the next they are apologizing and want the very first thing you wanted in the first place, friendship. This happened so many times with him saying he was going to get help at some point.
I will keep to the basics of what I learnt about being in a somewhat abusive relationship. All the signs were there I did not miss them, I ignored. It was supposed to be a ‘teach me how to swim’ relationship nothing else. On date number one, as we are swimming he says, I am not like other guys in the pool, trying to fondle girls, I am different. Yet he took me to the deep end and tried to kiss me when we were under water, I immediately popped up, and pretended not to have noticed that. Then when we are having coffee he says ‘you are not like other girls, they are b******. That was sign number two, I said as a young woman you cannot respond to every guy that cat calls you or shows interest, interestingly enough I became a b**** soon enough. I ignored that! And it’s not that I wanted to be in a relationship desperately. I did not but I thought he was a really nice guy. He was a gentleman, and you do not meet these quite often, he wanted to pay all the bills, he wanted to know how I was doing, he seemed like a gentle soul battered by the world and I wanted to be the savior.
The third sign was on that same day. He said he had volatile temper and his friends had crossed him and he retaliated and I asked ‘why not let go?’ I should have stopped there, I did not.
He said he was a jealous guy and I said, I cannot date a jealous guy, I have very good male friends who have stuck with me through thick and thin and I would drop a man first before I dropped them. These are men who have believed in me when I did not believe in myself.
You see I have never been in a volatile relationship. It has always been so easy with other others that I have dated, when it ends it ends, there were no words thrown at anyone, but whether it was me or the guy that chose to walk away, nothing like this has ever happened to me. Yes the usual challenges were there and there are some frogs and jerks along the way, but mostly it was typical.
I said I am attracted to you but I do not want to be in a relationship, I had a lot in my plate, work and school and I did not think he was the one. He agreed with me. I said if I enter a relationship too quickly, it will not last and I would rather we be friends if it grew from there that I would okay, if did not, okay. I really thought that was clear, one week later I was his background picture, he was holding my hand in public, he wanted me to use his tuk tuk driver to go home, he was telling me he had told his parents about the girl he was going to marry, at two weeks, he could not go anywhere without me, and not feel lonely, he was planning a tour of Mombasa, he talking of waking me up in 2017 to vote, and he was the victim in his last relationship which was sketchy, she left him but now she wanted him back. Something was off, but because he passed the gentleman’s test, I kept ignoring everything that I saw. It was clear yet not so clear… Someone said something was off. I said to my sister ‘this is the kind of guy that you would want to be friends with if I decided I did not want to be in a relationship.’ I was wrong!
To be continued...
A while back there was a tuk tuk driver who used to drop me to my house from Thika town, when I had luggage or at night. It all started when I had to travel to Nyeri at 5am one of those mornings for a seminar, I needed a tuk tuk to take me to Thika from my house. He seemed trustworthy and so I started calling him when I needed a tuk tuk to take me home. Everything was okay until he asks me out one Sunday afternoon, and I am like I am not interested, in fact it made me angry. He was married (that means he had no character whosever), he was not much of a looker, he had very bad English, Swahili and Kikuyu, he was poor (not that I would sleep with someone for money), but there was absolutely no logical reason for me, to even give this man a second glance, but he still had the audacity to sms back and tell me, Abraham (Bible) had many wives. He might have had but at least he could afford them. Forgive if I speak in anger, but it made me really angry, I had shown this man mad respect and then he pulls a crazy stunt like this one. He should happy his wife loves him just as he is. I mean I really needed a reason as to why this man had made a move on me.
When he called a couple of months later, it was not pretty, I was really annoyed. There should be a guide before you approach a young woman for sex, ask yourself a million times why I would want to sleep with you, if at the millionth time are still convinced I want to have sex with you, please start again. I really find it really disrespectful by the sheer number of married men who approach young women (regardless of their marital status) for sex, and these married men are from all walks of life. Funny enough, 100% of those instances, I am not interested in having sex with them. I am disgusted at the thought that such a man even thought that I would want to have SEX with him, pass me the sick bucket.
To add insult to injury, months later after the incidence his wife calls, and she claims that she saw my message saying I did not want to be a second wife to her husband and she wanted to confirm, first she says I saw your message kwa mzee wangu, and I ask about the older persons cash transfer, this woman is beating around the bush like her husband is the first married man to show interest in me. I wish I had not picked up my phone after ignoring that unknown number a couple of times because I knew it was work related and I am so busy working on my dissertation. She says they are married with children, and that he is cheating on her with someone else (information that I would she told her therapist), I mean this is the second time this is happening to me, the last time the wife asked me if she should leave him, cause she was feed up. Feed up! Try listening to a woman whose husband you are not interested in calling you to ask how you meet her husband and wanting to know details about your life. They always seem to appreciate honesty and tell you what a nasty piece of work their husband is, how many children they have, how he is not at home because they suspect he is with someone else, how long they have been married ‘Oh my God I am not interested!’ I was really annoyed when this woman called me today, the smses were clear, I had to stop myself from insulting her husband in those smses because I know that could land me in jail, I was not even sure it his wife or somebody he had put up, to call me using a different number, is this guy kidding with me! But I called back a bit angrier than the first time, clearly this is harassment. My message was clear call that if she and her idiot husband tried to call me one more time, I would be compelled to take action, she did apologize. First a husband I am not interested in and then his equally annoying wife.
This incidence really scared me a lot, what if it was not his wife and he just harassing me, and if he is harassing me it means this man is a psychopath, and that scares the life out of me. It’s not fair I did not do anything to deserve this.
My advise to all married women, please if the messages on your husband’s phone are clear, call him, tell him all that stuff you are telling me, because most of the times, the woman knows about you and does not really care, or like in my case was never interested in your husband and even if he was single, I still would not be interested in him, clearly he is your type not mine. There’s nothing frustrating, annoying and scary as being harassed by a married man and his wife, both psychos, both of whom, you have no interest in.
After that long journey by bus, you are finally in Malindi and you are wondering what do I do? Hakuna matata, here’s a comprehensive guide to a successful first day in Malindi: -
1. Get a hotel with a swimming pool, do not worry hotels in Malindi are pretty cheap, with one thousand or less you can get a pretty decent place, one where people will not mistake you for an overdressed commercial sex worker. That is possible you know in Malindi, you got to know that. A swimming pool is a must because the weather never gets cold and so the water is always warm.
2. Go to the beach and take pictures of the funny signs in Italian and Swahili, this is definitely little Italia, minus all the illegal immigrants, add a beach boy/ masseuse/guide/ cook/male commercial sex worker (they claim to be very good at what they do and it’s not selling sea shells at the sea shore, unless there are no sex tourists) and you have an awesome photo opp.
3. Walk around the beach and realise that it’s not as crowded as the beaches in Mombasa, realise it’s an opportunity to relax, do nothing and have fun, forget about sex tourism and drugs. If any person tries to talk to you, slap them, you are on a holiday no need for emotional attachment. That is what took you to Malindi in the first place.
4. Draw a love heart in the sand, it might be the only genuine ‘heart’ you get in life, life’s a beach, play with the sand.
5. Play with the waves and water, like you do not have care in the world, whilst imagining the romantic scenes you see in the movie.
6. Then remember to have nice relaxing shower in your hotel room to remove all the sand in your hair. It probably will not come off until couple of weeks later but playing with the sand is a must. Make weird faces and takes selfies.
Now there are people who must stay away from Malindi at all costs: -
1. The ‘you must dress decently’ in Malindi, please do not bother; otherwise you might end condemning every single person you meet on the way. Beside the thought of wearing all those clothes is extreme heat and humidity is enough to put someone like you off.
2. The ‘you should not date people from other races’ kind of people. In Malindi the girl in front of you is probably married to an old, really old Italian dude, did I say really old, I meant ‘ancient of days’ dude whose probably in the same league as father Abraham, when children sing father Abraham and he is around, they probably assume its him, the girl behind you is either dating one, or is being kept by one, or is desperately trying to get one. Even the men are trying to get their wives, sisters or daughter’s hooked up to one. So at night when you see a commercial sex worker half naked, remember they are not doing it for you dear Kenyan, you might must be collateral damage. Maybe they should open a shop where you can buy old Italian dudes at a bargain, oh wait! Most bars already serve as brothels, what I am thinking?
P/s ladies, Malindi is not the place to meet men, white, African, or whatever, they might only be mistaking you for an overly dressed commercial sex worker. Also never fall for a beach boy, unless you are in the business of taking care financially of an overgrown man child with drug issues and no sense of direction, the only thing this boy is going to know is that you are his ‘mommy.’
When I travelled to Mombasa last week, I did so by bus, I had booked Coast Air. I have never travelled by bus to Mombasa, hold up, I have not travelled to Mombasa by air as well, just by a fourteen seater by driver who I think drinks every night, when he was overtaking my heart always started to race. Well, I was scared because of Al shabaab (unfounded, I know), then the numerous trucks and trailers on the road which would become my main fear by the way. Well, I knew from my younger brother that there was no waiting room at Coast air, yet I had paid Kshs. 1600 for comfort, ultimate comfort, but I was really disappointed, at the very last minute I was informed the vehicle had broken down, so I was downgraded to something I did not want (if I wanted it I would have booked earlier). Here I was looking at all the buses lining up, waiting for the ultimate bus I had booked, it was supposed to have WIFI, charging ports, washroom facilities, snacks and some privacy, God knows I love privacy, I got downgraded at the very last minute. I was waiting for some grand bus, but I was super disappointed.
So, here I was travelling by bus, not that it was bad, but this bus company conduct no security checks at all. Maybe this is because I am used to Easy Coach and the fact that they check luggage and people boarding the bus, but there were no checks at all. Everyone simply got in without being checked, me included. I guess that made my fears worse. What really made me annoyed is that they conducted the checks on the bus behind us.
The journey was not half as bad, I managed some peace until I asked the man next to me where we were and then he went on talking for hours, it included how he loved his wife and even if he was to cheat on her, he would always go back to her. All I heard was, I have cheated on my wife before but she is the foolish one who will never leave me, despite me exposing her to HIV and all… ahhhhhhhh love in the 21st Century is a strange thing. It ended with him asking me if I wanted to have drinks with him later in the evening if I was in Mombasa. So in other words he was asking me to the other woman strictly, all the terms and conditions had been laid out before.
Then after the journey, I had to listen to my friends, describe all the other luxury buses that were available and how amazing they were and all I could think of ‘why didn’t I know about them.’
Anyway the only reason I will not be using Coast Air again, is that they did not keep their end of the bargain, if you are going to change buses make sure it close to what I wanted as a customer, secondly, conduct security checks, such a simple check can really save lives in the long run. I think they knew the bus was not available the whole day but they waited until the last minute because then I would have no choice but to travel with them. Thirdly, invest in a waiting room, the reason I like Easy Coach is they have a spacious waiting room, when you arrive at 3am you can always sleep the early hours away and go home when you feel safe.
I think next time; I would rather explore other options, now I know that I have other better choices in short I am NEVER using Coast Air again.
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