When the wife of a man you are not interested in calls
Posted by Social Matters , Friday, September 18, 2015 10:24 AM
A while back there was a tuk tuk driver who used to drop me to my house from Thika town, when I had luggage or at night. It all started when I had to travel to Nyeri at 5am one of those mornings for a seminar, I needed a tuk tuk to take me to Thika from my house. He seemed trustworthy and so I started calling him when I needed a tuk tuk to take me home. Everything was okay until he asks me out one Sunday afternoon, and I am like I am not interested, in fact it made me angry. He was married (that means he had no character whosever), he was not much of a looker, he had very bad English, Swahili and Kikuyu, he was poor (not that I would sleep with someone for money), but there was absolutely no logical reason for me, to even give this man a second glance, but he still had the audacity to sms back and tell me, Abraham (Bible) had many wives. He might have had but at least he could afford them. Forgive if I speak in anger, but it made me really angry, I had shown this man mad respect and then he pulls a crazy stunt like this one. He should happy his wife loves him just as he is. I mean I really needed a reason as to why this man had made a move on me.
When he called a couple of months later, it was not pretty, I was really annoyed. There should be a guide before you approach a young woman for sex, ask yourself a million times why I would want to sleep with you, if at the millionth time are still convinced I want to have sex with you, please start again. I really find it really disrespectful by the sheer number of married men who approach young women (regardless of their marital status) for sex, and these married men are from all walks of life. Funny enough, 100% of those instances, I am not interested in having sex with them. I am disgusted at the thought that such a man even thought that I would want to have SEX with him, pass me the sick bucket.
To add insult to injury, months later after the incidence his wife calls, and she claims that she saw my message saying I did not want to be a second wife to her husband and she wanted to confirm, first she says I saw your message kwa mzee wangu, and I ask about the older persons cash transfer, this woman is beating around the bush like her husband is the first married man to show interest in me. I wish I had not picked up my phone after ignoring that unknown number a couple of times because I knew it was work related and I am so busy working on my dissertation. She says they are married with children, and that he is cheating on her with someone else (information that I would she told her therapist), I mean this is the second time this is happening to me, the last time the wife asked me if she should leave him, cause she was feed up. Feed up! Try listening to a woman whose husband you are not interested in calling you to ask how you meet her husband and wanting to know details about your life. They always seem to appreciate honesty and tell you what a nasty piece of work their husband is, how many children they have, how he is not at home because they suspect he is with someone else, how long they have been married ‘Oh my God I am not interested!’ I was really annoyed when this woman called me today, the smses were clear, I had to stop myself from insulting her husband in those smses because I know that could land me in jail, I was not even sure it his wife or somebody he had put up, to call me using a different number, is this guy kidding with me! But I called back a bit angrier than the first time, clearly this is harassment. My message was clear call that if she and her idiot husband tried to call me one more time, I would be compelled to take action, she did apologize. First a husband I am not interested in and then his equally annoying wife.
This incidence really scared me a lot, what if it was not his wife and he just harassing me, and if he is harassing me it means this man is a psychopath, and that scares the life out of me. It’s not fair I did not do anything to deserve this.
My advise to all married women, please if the messages on your husband’s phone are clear, call him, tell him all that stuff you are telling me, because most of the times, the woman knows about you and does not really care, or like in my case was never interested in your husband and even if he was single, I still would not be interested in him, clearly he is your type not mine. There’s nothing frustrating, annoying and scary as being harassed by a married man and his wife, both psychos, both of whom, you have no interest in.
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