Posted by Social Matters , Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:09 AM
The truth about nice guys
I was once holding a conversation with a guy, who was well educated, but average looking in a hotel and out of nowhere the guy says ‘nice guys never get the girls.’ ‘Girls are not interested in the nice guys.’ You see there’s a misconception about nice guys and what that phrase means. It should not be mistaken for any of the following: -
• It’s not a self pity phrase, that woishee kind of guy, date me, I am nice, date me. They pity everything about their lives and how their lives have turned out.
• Nice guys and average are not the same thing,
• Nice guys and poor guys are not correlated; just because you are poor does not mean you are nice. There are enough poor guys that have battered their wives and made the lives of women a living hell, so no! Poor and nice do not mean the same thing.
• Nice guys do not live in the ghettos necessarily.
• Nice guys are not ugly
• Nice guys are not pathetic
• Nice guys are not short, I have met enough short guys who assume just because they are short they are automatically nice.
I think this guy had a type of girls that he was interested in but they were not interested in him because he was not their type and their rejection he pegged it down on women not wanting him to his nice guy image. I dated such a guy once and I speak from experience, there is nothing nice about self pity and it went from self pity to putting me down. It started as ‘I am so nice I have been rejected a lot.’ ‘I am sorry you have to date a short person.’ ‘It’s obvious you have settled’ ‘Look at me, I have asthma, I look weird.’ I tried saying all these did not matter to me, but soon this self hatred was now directed to me ‘Do not put on weight, you would not look as lovely.’ You should have seen the look on his face every time he said. He wanted me to pity myself. He once said ‘I know I am not the pretty at all.’ ‘You are okay’ I said. ‘You know you are not the most beautiful woman in the world.’ That was his response. I was like ‘dude I am very okay with my looks, no low self esteem issues other than the ordinary, I wish my hair was no longer, I need to loose 2kgs, only that.’
In short nice guys does not mean, poor, looks down on self, thinks that women should date him because they are nice or he thinks that the nice guy phrase was invented for him. Nice guys come in all shapes, colours and sizes. At times they are rich, at times they are poor, at times they dark skinned, other times they are light skinned, other times they are tall, then at other times they are short. Just because you feel less endowed by nature does not mean that every woman should be running into your arms. I do not agree with Sauti Sol, chances are there are women laughing on boda bodas as there are crying, there are also women laughing in Benz’s as there are women crying.
Even in the traditional African community, men needed to work hard to get the girls of their dreams and it was tougher then than it is now. I have realised that every time a guy says he is nice and starts to throw himself a pity party, he turns out to be a social misfit and their behavior borders psychotic.
The solution would be to stop wanting women who are out their league and pay attention to the nice girls out there who feel ignored.
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