Posted by Social Matters , Saturday, June 6, 2015 11:52 AM

All young girls dream of the day that they will get married to their ‘prince charming’, their knight in shining armour, the man of their dreams, the one that will sweep them of their feet and wipe their tears away. The one during those ‘funeral moments’ those moments when you are attending the burial of a person close to you and he looks at you hoping to never have loose you. The one who will hold you in your arms when the times get tough and hold you so tightly that nothing in the world matters. That is the man most women want to go home to or have sex with. But I am made to believe by my married sisters that the grass is never greener on the other side, in fact there is no grass on the other side. While the unmarried sisters cannot wait to get married, the married ones are so negative towards marriage. Let me pause and ask.

‘Why are married women so negative towards marriage?’

95% of all married women I know seem to agree on one thing, ‘husbands are overrated?’ A few days ago a woman who is in her sixties said to me in a matter of fact kind of way ‘that’s why I keep on saying, it’s better to stay alone than with these people.’ A couple of years ago a woman inquired about my marital status and when I said I was not married, she told me if she could turn back the hands of time and be my age, she would not get married but would have her children and raise them alone. Married women tell me all the time ‘get a child’ that is the most important thing in life. Everyone I know says marriage is hard work, sex is a struggle. That I will learn to cry alone because my husband will say hurtful things and will never apologise for his words and actions, that in the end, being a wife is all taking care of my husband’s need and that the friendship we had before marriage will be over long before I know it.

Sadly, I get this advice from married women, both old and young. They have such a bitter attitude towards marriage, it’s hard to comprehend. The funny thing is that they are all still married to their spouses. I do get where they are coming from, their marriages did not turn out as they expected, and yes their husbands are hell bent on making their lives miserable. But a good number of people get married for the wrong reasons and both parties tend to be very unreasonable.

So, will I take the advise of these married women and give up on the idea of marriage. Absolutely not! I happen to have some of the coolest male friends in the planet and I am sure they will make absolutely wonderful husbands to their wives. I think at times as women we marry the wrong men and expect them to conform to our expectations and when that fails, we put all men in a box labeled ‘bad’. I strongly believe in marriage as an institution and a friendship that should last an entire lifetime. Today I attended a funeral of my mom’s uncle who was murdered as he rode his bicycle home, he was 78 years old and his wife had tears in her eyes. Now that kind of love is worth waiting for. So I will politely choose to ignore the unsolicited advise that married women keep dishing to me. Marriage works! Not all women and men are evil.


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