Dear Child...
Posted by Edward Karani , Monday, April 26, 2010 7:06 AM
So far only my eyes have seen your unformed body in the depths of the earth, as you were being made in the secret place, only I have seen this wonderful and most fascinating process that results in life. It is amazing as it breathtaking, and with every life that I bring forth, the only word that I seem to think of is “perfect!” So tonight is the beginning for you, for I have created your inmost being and tonight, I will knit you together in your mothers womb, your time has come.
My child I am sending you into the world, but I cannot help but be worried at the kind of life that awaits you. Irregardless of how you are conceived, you will be born, who you parents are, whichever country you will be born into (Kenya), the family and their social status, or the amount of wealth that they have, whether like Bill Gates, they have a lot of money, that they have no idea how to use the money or even what to do with it, some make good use of it, others, sadly enough it ends up destroying them. Yet haven’t I declared that if I give you wealth, I will help you enjoy it and I will keep you preoccupied all the days of your life such that you don’t have to worry about it, or whether you have enough?
Or if you are born into a poor family, who all they have to give, is love. If you are born in a developed or a developing country, or a peaceful and economically thriving country, or a war ravaged and poor nation, whether your skin color is black, white, yellow, brown or any other color that you may think of, your physical appearance and your looks. Know this my child. I am your Creator and I make no mistakes. I make them tall, while others I make them short, I give some great wealth, while others I give them nothing. I make all people of all colors, creeds and races. But don’t get me wrong, I am not a sadist or a hater; I do not enjoy it when people suffer. I am not a meanie as people on the earth will have you think. I do not rejoice in peoples suffering. Whenever children die of hunger, women and children are raped and defiled, and men die in endless wars, it saddens my heart, and contrary to what they tell you that because like a magician, I do not wave my magic ward and make everything to be alright that I am not there. I am there, I am all knowing, all powerful and all seeing. The war that world finds in, is created because, they talk when they are supposed to remain silent. Plus you have a free will, if you want happiness, go for it, work for it, strive for it. Do not be deceived a man reaps whatever he sows.
Child, remember that I love you, irregardless of the circumstances that you find yourself in, physically or socially. Love makes the world go round, hatred only destroys it. Anyway I am sending you into a world that is full of strife, murder, hunger, obscenities and many other vile things. I am sending you to a particularly country called
Your details are as follows: -
Name: I will leave that to your parents, but I will let you in on a little secret on how your parents will do these. Your first name might be Zayuni or Tumaini, or Methuselah. No need to be alarmed, you can always change it in the future that is if you let people get to you, apparently people in that small country are getting fed up with Western names and they want a name they might identify with.
Your second name is given, you will be called ‘Mucene,’ or in English, ‘Gossip,’ after your paternal grandfather, as per tradition, he was a man after my very own ears, he could hardly keep his mouth shut even while he was sleeping. He gave us quite a laugh while he was on earth. He was a personal favorite.
You see child, every human being is special, each is created in my own image but they all have their own unique attributes that makes them special. If people would realize that they would stop viewing people from their own point of view and they would see them as I do. People will disappoint you as they have me several times. You see I have loved you and them with an everlasting love. As far as the East is from the West so is my love for them, I do not hold grudges and I am not a petty God as they make me to be. I forgive and forget, I am not out to punish people, all I would want for them is to repent so that I can forgive them and they can live their lives without fear.
Destination: Kenya
Country Profile: Kenya is a small country in East Africa, one that I have placed strategically. It boasts of being a very tolerant country but when you get there you will know that there is nothing like that, they are simply putting up with each other, which is not bad if only they would add some love to it. Then they would not have to put up with each other.
As a nation, they have no idea how many they are in number, the Kenya national Bureau of statistics and the Ministry of planning which conducted a census last year and where supposed to release the results more than a week ago but apparently they both have contrasting results. So it safe to say that I know the number, Kenyans don’t. From my throne we see a lot interesting things, some are sad and at times the thought of revoking free will crosses my mind, but you are not a robot, I will not manipulate you in any way, people must make their own decisions, follow their hearts and accept the consequences their after.
Your country is very beautiful. It is endowed with a lot of physical and natural resources. You will have the opportunity of seeing lots and lots of wild animals, lions, zebras, antelopes, rhinos, leopards, elephants and many other rare animals that may not be found in other areas in the world. But all these depends on your parents, I doubt they are really into domestic tourism. It is sad that they may die without having visited and seen the marvels and wonders of nature in their own country. Even I myself thought they were good and beautiful when I created them.
Kenya is a multiethnic nation, that’s means you have a rare opportunity of learning forty two different languages. Please do not use that opportunity to kill people from different ethnicities. Whether they are 5 and you number five million, please apply the biblical principles to it.
One thing you should not about your countrymen is that though they have the power, they rarely use it. They only think that it is only during the general elections that they can exercise their power. Sadly enough, that is not the case; they do not know that they do not have to put up with corrupt leaders. Maybe they don’t know that they only have today, tomorrow or the five years to the general election is not theirs. It is mine. After all they are like flowers quickly fading, here today, gone tomorrow, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the wind. For like the flower of the grass they will pass away.
‘For the sun rises with it scorching effect, and whithers the grass, its flower falls and its beauty perishes.
Maybe people should pass by Lang’ata cemetery every now and then, they my realize that all they have is today, tomorrow is not theirs for taking or claiming or whatever your Kenyan preachers will tell you.
The city you will live in is Nairobi, the capital; you will be among the few Kenyans whose parents have lived in the capital for generations. Because of that, you will always have Nairobi at heart.
My child as you make your entry into this world through Pumwani maternity hospital, you may face a lot of uncertainties, like if your parents are really your parents, because of that you might even doubt your sex, because your mother might insist that her child is female and not male.
It has been said that I have not created all people equal, find out from my word if that is true, I have said:
‘God created man in his own image
In the image of God he created them
Male and female.’
In me, there is neither male nor female, Greek or Jew, Free or a slave, you are all equal. So, my child, do not annul the decree that all men are created equal. At times I don’t get it, what is wrong with being equal.
Now child I am sure you can hardly wait to be born, but there is something’s I would like you to know about how life is growing up in Kenya, what to expect and what not to, read on…
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